
So I was checking out differences between two branches, accounting for
file moves with -C, and was surprised by the number of insertions and
deletions that it indicated, because it was telling me I had removed
more than I added, which I really don't think is true.

I took a closer look, and what happens is that I had a lot of stuff in
a __init__.py file that I moved to another file, while keeping a now
new, empty, __init__.py file.

Which means while diff counts the deletions from __init__.py, it doesn't
count the additions from the move because it is a move, leading to a
counter-intuitive result.

Here's how to reproduce in case code makes more sense than prose:

/tmp$ git init g
Initialized empty Git repository in /tmp/g/.git/
/tmp$ cd g
/tmp/g$ echo foo > foo
/tmp/g$ git add foo
/tmp/g$ git commit -m foo
[master (root-commit) 14749a7] foo
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
 create mode 100644 foo
/tmp/g$ git mv foo bar
/tmp/g$ touch foo
/tmp/g$ git add foo
/tmp/g$ git commit -m bar
[master 9fbf50e] bar
 2 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 bar
/tmp/g$ git diff HEAD~ -C --stat
 foo => bar | 0
 foo        | 1 -
 2 files changed, 1 deletion(-)

I'm actually not sure what the right thing would be. I guess this is a
case where -B should help, but it doesn't.

Any thoughts?


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