On Thu, Jan 19, 2017 at 03:12:53PM -0700, Jack Bates wrote:

> Cool, thanks for all your help! "git log --cherry-pick" works quite well.
> One thing: I expected the following to be equivalent, but found that they're
> not. Is that by accident or design?
>   $ git rev-list --cherry-pick --right-only master...refs/pull/1112/head
>   $ git rev-list --cherry-pick master..refs/pull/1112/head

It's by design. The "left" and "right" notions are defined only for a
three-dot symmetric difference.

In the first command you've asked git to look at commits on _both_
master and the PR, down to their merge base. It marks the tips with a
"left" and "right" bit, and then those bits propagate down.

In the second command, you've only asked for the PR commits, and there
is no left/right bit at all. So --cherry-pick is doing nothing, as it
has no "left" commits to compare to.


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