Hi all,

I'm trying to get the committer date printed in a custom fashion.
Using "%cI" gets me close:

$ git show --format="%cI | %an" master | head -n 1
2017-01-31T17:02:13-08:00 | Hilco Wijbenga

I would like to get rid of the "-08:00" bit at the end of the
timestamp. According to the "git show" manual I should be able to use
"%<(<N>[,trunc|ltrunc|mtrunc])" to drop that last part.

$ git show --format="%<(19,trunc)cI | %an" master | head -n 1
cI | Hilco Wijbenga

Mmm, it seems to be recognized as a valid "something" but it's not
working as I had expected. :-) I tried several other versions of this
but no luck. Clearly, I'm misunderstanding the format description. How
do I get "2017-01-31T17:02:13 | Hilco Wijbenga" to be output?


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