On Wed, Feb 8, 2017 at 3:54 PM, Matthieu Moy
<matthieu....@grenoble-inp.fr> wrote:
> Jeff King <p...@peff.net> writes:
>> On Mon, Jan 23, 2017 at 04:02:02PM +0100, Matthieu Moy wrote:
>>> * We need to write the application, i.e. essentially polish and update
>>>   the text here: https://git.github.io/SoC-2016-Org-Application/ and
>>>   update the list of project ideas and microprojects :
>>>   https://git.github.io/SoC-2017-Ideas/
>>>   https://git.github.io/SoC-2016-Microprojects/
>> That can be done incrementally by people who care (especially mentors)
>> over the next week or so, and doesn't require any real admin
>> coordination. If it happens and the result looks good, then the
>> application process is pretty straightforward.
>> If it doesn't, then we probably ought not to participate in GSoC.
> OK, it seems the last message did not raise a lot of enthousiasm (unless
> I missed some off-list discussion at Git-Merge?).

I think having 2 possible mentors or co-mentors still shows some
enthousiasm even if I agree it's unfortunate there is not more

> The application deadline is tomorrow. I think it's time to admit that we
> won't participate this year, unless someone steps in really soon.

Someone steps in to do what exactly?

I just had a look and the microproject and idea pages for this year are ok.
They are not great sure, but not much worse than the previous years.
What should probably be done is to remove project ideas where is no
"possible mentor" listed.
But I am reluctant to do that as I don't know what Dscho would be ok to mentor.

Also please note that you sent this email just the day before the deadline.
I know that you sent a previous email three weeks ago, but people
easily forget this kind of deadline when they are not often reminded.
(And there is a school vacation is France right now so I am having a
vacation in Alps with unfortunately quite bad Internet access.)

> If we don't participate, I'll add a disclaimer at the top of the
> SoC-related pages on git.github.io to make sure students don't waste
> time preparing an application.

Please submit our application like this.


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