On Thu, Feb 9, 2017 at 2:05 AM, Thangalin <thanga...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I frequently forget to add .gitignore files when creating new .gitignore 
> files.
> I'd like to request a command-line option to always add .gitignore
> files (or, more generally, always add files that match a given file
> specification).
> Replicate
> 0. git init ...
> 1. echo "*.bak" >> .gitignore
> 2. touch file.txt
> 3. git add file.txt
> 4. git commit -a -m "..."
> 5. git push origin master
> Expected Results
> The .gitignore file is also added to the repository. (This is probably
> the 80% use case.)

This is a general problem to new files, not .gitignore alone. Can we
accomplish something with some hook? At the least I think we should be
able to detect that .gitignore is not detected and abort, prompting
the user to add it. It's easier to customize too, and we don't have to
cook ".gitignore" in the code.

I'm not sure if we tell the hook "this is with -m option" though..

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