On Thu, 23 Feb 2017, Joey Hess wrote:


IIRC someone has been working on parameterizing git's SHA1 assumptions
so a repository could eventually use a more secure hash. How far has
that gotten? There are still many "40" constants in git.git HEAD.

In the meantime, git commit -S, and checks that commits are signed,
seems like the only way to mitigate against attacks such as
the ones described in the threads at
https://joeyh.name/blog/sha-1/ and

Since we now have collisions in valid PDF files, collisions in valid git
commit and tree objects are probably able to be constructed.

keep in mind that there is a huge difference between

creating a collision between two documents you create, both of which contain a huge amount of arbitrary binary data that can be changed at will without affecting the results


creating a collision betwen an existing document that someone else created and a new document that is also valid C code without huge amounts of binary in it.

So, it's not time to panic, but it is one more push to make the changes to support something else.

David Lang

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