On Wed, Mar 1, 2017 at 8:51 AM, Marius Storm-Olsen <msto...@gmail.com> wrote:
> BUT, even still, I would expect Git's delta compression to be quite 
> effective, compared to the compression present in SVN.

jar files are zipfiles. They don't delta in any useful form, and in
fact they differ even if they contain identical binary files inside.

>     Commits: 32988
>     DB (server) size: 139GB

Are you certain of the on-disk storage at the SVN server? Ideally,
you've taken the size with a low-level tool like `du -sh

Even with no delta compression (as per Junio and Linus' discussion),
based on past experience importing jar/wars/binaries from SVN into
git... I'd expect git's worst case to be on-par with SVN, perhaps ~5%
larger due to compression headers on uncompressible data.


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