Hi Lars,

On Thu, 2 Mar 2017, Lars Schneider wrote:

> The patch looks good to me in general but I want to propose the following
> changes:

I know you are using your script to generate this mail, but I would have
liked to see v2 in the subject ;-)

> (1) Move all the docker magic into a dedicated file
> "ci/run-linux-32-build.sh" This way people should be able to run this
> build on their local machines without TravisCI. However, I haven't
> tested this.

I considered this, but there is serious overlap: the `docker pull` call
and the `docker run` call *have* to refer to the same image. It's very
easy for them to get out of sync if you have that information in two
files. Maybe make that an option of the script, defaulting to

BTW speaking of Docker: it would be nicer if there was a Docker image that
already had the build-essentials installed, to save on startup time. But I
did not find any that was reasonably up-to-date.

> (2) The docker build command inherits the Git test environment
> variables.  This way we use the same environment variables as in all
> other TravisCI builds (plus it would use *your* variables if you run it
> locally).


> (3) Silence the apt update/git output as is it clutters the log.  I did
> not silence stderr output!

Also good!

> (4) Remove (to my knowledge) superfluous "compiler: clang" in the
> Linux32 job.

I copied that from one of your experimental .travis.yml patches ;-)

> I added my sign-off. I hope this is the right thing to do in this "I
> took your patch and changed it to suggest an improvement" situation.

Absolutely. Thank you for taking it from here.

> One thing that still bugs me: In the Linux32 environment prove adds the
> CPU times to every test run: ( 0.02 usr  0.00 sys +  0.00 cusr  0.00
> csys ...  Has anyone an idea why that happens and how we can disable it?

I have no idea.

> diff --git a/ci/run-linux32-build.sh b/ci/run-linux32-build.sh
> new file mode 100755
> index 0000000000..b892fbdc9e
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/ci/run-linux32-build.sh
> @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
> +#!/bin/sh
> +#
> +# Build and test Git in a docker container running a 32-bit Ubuntu Linux
> +#
> +
> +set -e

Is this really necessary? I really like to avoid `set -e`, in particular
when we do pretty much everything in && chains anyway.

> +APT_INSTALL="apt update >/dev/null && apt install -y build-essential "\
> +"libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev libexpat-dev gettext python >/dev/null"
> +
> +
> +TEST_GIT_CMD="linux32 --32bit i386 sh -c '"\
> +"'$APT_INSTALL && cd /usr/src/git && $TEST_GIT_ENV make -j2 test'"
> +
> +sudo docker run \
> +    --interactive --volume "${PWD}:/usr/src/git" \
> +    daald/ubuntu32:xenial /bin/bash -c "$TEST_GIT_CMD"

Hmm. Since it is a script now, it would be more readable this way, I

sudo docker run --volume "${PWD}:/usr/src/git" "${1:-daald/ubuntu32:xenial}" \
linux32 --32bit i386 sh -c '
        : update packages first &&
        apt update >/dev/null &&
        apt install -y build-essential libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev \
                libexpat-dev gettext python >/dev/null &&

        : now build and test &&
        cd /usr/src/git &&
        make -j2 test

This is completely untested (pun intended ;-))...


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