On Tue, Feb 07, 2017 at 09:47:45PM +0100, Alessio Rocchi wrote:

> I try to push my commit on a private repository (which has been working
> since about five years).

It wasn't clear to me from your email, but did this work with a
previous version of Git and is now broken?

> me@superstar:/var/www/scorte$ git push --verbose
> Pushing to http://isisenscorte:mypassword@mymachine/scorte_git
> Getting pack list
> Fetching remote heads...
>   refs/
>   refs/tags/
>   refs/heads/
> updating 'refs/heads/master'
>   from d9fd2e49cb0c32a6d8fddcff2954f04b4104d176
>   to   23d8edfb7fa70bce44c21a7f93064c08a7288e23
>     sending 6 objects
> MOVE 33fcba80fdec82f43f995e5c693255da075358be failed, aborting (52/0)
> MOVE 60e1a097d50fe62319413ed20129580cf175d1ca failed, aborting (52/0)
> MOVE cfea41ef02f9aef5cecfbf7eac5a9e55975113f4 failed, aborting (52/0)
> MOVE 3d87ab6ff7652f2b30e48612b70c8335d4625699 failed, aborting (52/0)
> MOVE 4adb1b39e0446e0bfc3182258ff1cd7077871f7f failed, aborting (52/0)
> Updating remote server info
> fatal: git-http-push failed

OK, that looks like the old dumb-http protocol. And you said here:

> Permissions on the unauthorized object folders are 777 everywhere. My git
> version is on both client and server. Do you have any clue of this
> strange behaviour?

...that you're using v1.7.0.4. There were tons of auth-related corner
cases that have been fixed since then. Can you try a more recent version
of Git on the client side (preferably v2.12.0)?

The version on the server shouldn't matter; the 401 is generated by
Apache, and as you are using the dumb-http protocol, git is not involved
on the server side of the request at all.

I'd also suggest that you move to the smart-http protocol on the server
if possible. It's much more efficient, and the dumb-http code paths are
not nearly as well tested, especially around things like authentication.
Running "git help http-backend" gives some sample Apache config.


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