I've been browsing StackOverflow answering git-related questions, and
ran across this one:

It's a bit of an interesting situation.  The user did a couple of
renames in a branch:
    foo.txt => fooOld.txt
    fooNew.txt => foo.txt

Meanwhile, master had an update to fooNew.txt.  When the user tried to
merge master to the branch, it gave a merge conflict saying fooNew.txt
was deleted, but master tried to update it.

I was a bit surprised that git didn't follow the rename here, though I
do understand why: git only sees it as a rename if the source
disappears completely.  So I played locally with a few ideas, and was
surprised to find out that even breaking up the two renames into two
separate commits git still didn't follow it.

I'm just curious--I don't run into this often myself--but is there a
good strategy for dealing with this that avoids the conflict?


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