On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 6:58 PM, Junio C Hamano <gits...@pobox.com> wrote:
> SZEDER Gábor <szeder....@gmail.com> writes:
>>>  The "Copy commit summary" command of gitk can be used to obtain this
>>> -format.
>>> +format, or this invocation of "git show":
>>> +    git show -s --date=short --pretty='format:%h ("%s", %ad)' <commit>
>>> +
>>> +To turn that into a handy alias:
>>> +
>>> +    git config --global alias.git-commit-summary "show -s --date=short 
>>> --pretty='format:%h (\"%s\", %ad)'"
>>> +
>>> +And then to get the commit summary:
>>> +
>>> +    git git-commit-summary <commit>
>> - 'tformat:' is a better fit than 'format:' in this case, because it
>>   adds a trailing newline.
> That depends on what you use it for.  I most often use mine to
> insert the reference that flows in a sentence, not as a separate
> displayed material, e.g.
>     1f6b1afe ("Git 2.12.1", 2017-03-20)
> so for that purpose, not adding a trailing newline is a feature.

Perhaps we are running it differently.

I use its output that way, too, usually running the command in a
terminal and copy-pasting its output into an editor.  For this I find
'tformat:' clearly better, because the reference ends up on its own
line: it's separate from the next prompt and easy to copy the whole
thing with a triple-click anywhere on that line.

With 'format:' the subsequent shell prompt is the direct continuation
of the reference:

  ~/src/git (master %)$ git show -s --date=short --pretty='format:%h
("%s", %ad)' master
  c0f9c7058 ("Sync with 2.12.1", 2017-03-20)~/src/git (master %)$

I don't like this, because it looks ugly, is a bit more difficult to
copy, and if I press the up key for shell history, then for some
reason it gets messed up like this:

  c0f9c7058 ("Sync with 2.12.1", 2017-03-20)~/src/git (master %)$ git
show -s --da
  masterrt --pretty='format:%h ("%s", %ad)' m

with the cursor blinking on the last line after 'master'.

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