On Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 09:00:33PM +0100, Lars Schneider wrote:

> > Ah, OK, that makes sense. So we would only have to worry about our _own_
> > code accidentally disclosing it. But that should be easy to look for by
> > grepping the log (did somebody do that?).
> This is how a successful Windows build would look like:
> https://travis-ci.org/larsxschneider/git/jobs/214391822
> Dscho's token is not in the log.

Great, thank you for double-checking.

> >  - I have a lot of work-in-progress branches. I put "-wip" at the end
> >    of the branch name for my own scripts. It looks like I can put "[ci
> >    skip]" in the commit subject to convince Travis to skip them, but
> >    that's a little annoying. Is there any way to skip based on just the
> >    branch name? I couldn't find one.
> We can blacklist these branches with a regex in the travis.yml:
> https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/customizing-the-build#Building-Specific-Branches

I had a feeling it might be something like that. So we would all need to
agree on the convention for WIP branch names. If other people like the
idea, I'm happy to make a patch, but I don't want to impose my own weird
conventions on everyone else.

> Maybe TravisCI throttles your usage somehow as you push a lot of commits?

Could be. Looking at:


It seems to timeout on over half the branches (in fact, there are only a
few that passed all of the tests). My pattern is particularly spiky from
Travis's perspective, because once a day I rebase everything on top of
master and push them the whole thing in a bunch. So they 75 branches,
all at once. That seems like it would be ripe for throttling (though I
would much rather they just queue the builds and do them one at a time).

> Keep in mind, all the TravisCI compute hours are free... considering
> that I think it is quite OK :-)

I don't blame Travis at all. But if the tool does not produce reliable
results, then I will start to ignore it. And somebody on this thread
(not you) has been complaining repeatedly about developers ignoring CI


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