Bloomberg would like to host a Git hackathon over a weekend in both New
York and London, towards the end of April or the beginning of May.

Crucial to the success of the weekend will be having mentors available
in both locations who can guide people on the project. Mentors should
have some experience with developing for Git and should be familiar with
the process and guidelines around contributing.

If you are interested in being a mentor or have further questions, then
please get in contact with me via email (either to this address or to letting me know whether you are closer to New
York or London and if you have any date restrictions.



Git was the first project for which we hosted an "Open Source Day" and
since then we've learned a lot and would like to revisit Git again.

The event will involve volunteers who are usually competent programmers
but who don't necessarily have experience with contributing to Git,
working to contribute to the project over two days. Typically the type
of tasks tackled would include documentation improvements, test case
improvements and very simple bug fixes that have previously been
identified as "low hanging fruit".

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