W dniu 01.04.2017 o 08:08, Jeff King pisze:
> On Fri, Mar 31, 2017 at 03:24:48PM +0200, Jakub Narębski wrote:
>>> I suspect in the normal case that git is doing line-ending conversion,
>>> but it's suppressed when textconv is in use.
>> I would not consider this a bug if not for the fact that there is no ^M
>> without using iconv as textconv.
> I don't think it's a bug, though. You have told Git that you will
> convert the contents (whatever their format) into the canonical format,
> but your program to do so includes a CR.

Well, I have not declared file binary with "binary = true" in diff driver
definition, isn't it?

> We _could_ further process with other canonicalizations, but I'm not
> sure that is a good idea (line-endings sound reasonably harmless, but
> almost certainly we should not be doing clean/smudge filtering). And I'm
> not sure if there would be any compatibility fallouts.

Yes, gitattributes(5) defines interaction between 'text'/'eol', 'ident'
and 'filter' attributes, but nothing about 'diff' and 'text'/'eol'.

> So I think the behavior is perhaps not what you want, but it's not an
> unreasonable one. And the solution is to define your textconv such that
> it produces clean LF-only output. Perhaps:
>   [diff.whatever]
>   textconv = "iconv ... | tr -d '\r'"

Well, either this (or equivalent using dos2unix), or using 'whitespace'
attribute (or 'core.whitespace') with cr-at-eol.

P.S. What do you think about Git supporting 'encoding' attribute (or
'core.encoding' config) plus 'core.outputEncoding' in-core?

Jakub Narębski

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