Samuel Lijin <> wrote:
> > Samuel Lijin <> wrote:
> >> Yep, I see these on but not in my gmail inbox:
> >
> > Hi Samuel, check your Spam box (and move it to a normal inbox so
> > they can train it).  Gmail filters are known to trigger happy
> > and incorrectly flag messages.  It's been a problem on LKML,
> > too.
> Sorry, should've been clearer - I did check my spambox in my original
> message. Some old patches from Brandon were in there, but the ones I
> mentioned in my original message just seem to have been dropped.

Yikes.  I wonder if Gmail automatically nukes messages if
they end up in enough Spam boxes...  Really hoping Googlers
can do something about this (or better, more people start
running their own SMTP servers, again).

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