On 15.11.2012, at 22:28, Eric S. Raymond wrote:

> Some days ago I reported that I was attempting to write a tool that could
> (a) take a git repo and unpack it into a tarball sequence plus a metadata log,
> (b) reverse that operation, packing a tarball and log sequence into a repo.

Ah, I could have used such a tool a year or so ago. Sounds useful to me, anyway 

> Thanks in part to advice by Andreas Schwab and in part to looking at the
> text of the p4 import script, this effort has succeeded.  A proof of
> concept is enclosed.  It isn't documented yet, and has not been tested
> on a repository with branches or merges in the history, but I am confident
> that the distance from here to a finished and tested tool is short. 
> The immediate intended use is for importing older projects that are
> available only as sequences of release tarballs, but there are other
> sorts of repository surgery that would become easier using it.
> I'm still looking for a better name for it and would welcome suggestions.

Isn't "gitar" the kind of natural choice? ;) At least for a stand-alone tool, 
not for a git subcommand.


> Before I do much further work, I need to determine how this will be shipped.
> I see two possibilities: either I ship it as a small standalone project,
> or it becomes a git subcommand shipped with the git suite. How I document 
> it and set up its tests would differ between these two cases.
> Is there a process for submitting new subcommands?  What are the 
> test-suite and documentation requirements?
> -- 
>               <a href="http://www.catb.org/~esr/";>Eric S. Raymond</a>
> <gitpacker.txt>

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