Jeff King <> writes:

> But I think a more compelling case is that there may be an ongoing
> operation in the original repo (e.g., say you are in the middle of
> writing a commit message) when we do a blind copy of the filesystem
> contents. You might racily pick up a lockfile.
> Should we find and delete all *.lock files in the copied directory? That
> would get ref locks, etc. Half-formed object files are OK. Technically
> if you want to get an uncorrupted repository you'd also want to copy
> refs before objects (in case somebody makes a new object and updates a
> ref while you're copying).
> I don't know how careful it's worth being. I don't really _object_ to
> this patch exactly, but it does seem like it's picking up one random
> case (that presumably you hit) and ignoring all of the related cases.

My feeling exactly.  Diagnosing and failing upfront saying "well you
made a copy but it is not suitable for testing" sounds more sensible
at lesat to me.

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