Linus Torvalds <> writes:

> Dereferencing an unaligned pointer may be "undefined" in some
> technical meaning, but it sure as hell isn't undefined in reality, and
> compilers that willfully do stupid things should not be catered to
> overly. Reality is a lot more important.

Thanks for succinctly putting it this way.  I think you said the
above number of times, and I was looking for one of them to include
a reference to in the response I was preparing, but this message
made it unnecessary ;-)

> And I think gcc can be tweaked to use "movbe" on x86 with the right
> magic incantation (ie not just __builtin_bswap32(), but also the
> switch to enable the new instructions).  So having code to detect gcc
> and using __builtin_bswap32() would indeed be a good thing.

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