On Sat, Jun 03, 2017 at 01:13:05AM -0700, christienne shultz wrote:

> I have installed the Git software and upon trying to update a
> repository by the "open recent repository" link and am unable to
> access the menu-or anything-from there.  Instead a window pops up with
> the following error message:
> "\usage C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64/libexec/git-core\git-GUI[
> {blame|browser|citool}]
> Can you please tell me what this error message means and how to fix
> the issue?  Thank you!

A shot in the dark until someone with access to Windows chimes in (it
appears that the "open recent repository" feature of `git gui` is specific
to Git for Windows): have you verified that repository actually exists
on your filesystem?

Another interesting question is whether the pathname of that repository
includes space characters which could in principle confuse `git gui`.

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