On Mon, Jun 05, 2017 at 07:36:58PM -0400, Hector Santos wrote:
> Do you see any technical issues with using programmable hooks or something
> like this would have to be patched in? I am giving it a serious thought to
> exploring a fix to the Git Daemon over the wire completion issues on
> Windows. It appears to be a Half Close socket issue.

You can certainly do it with so kind of hook script.  

This is how I do thing to maintain the modtimes for a set of patches
that I maintain using guilt (git://repo.or.cz/guilt.git).  The
following is done using Linux, but I imagine you could translate it
into something that would work with powershell, or cygwin, or just use
the Windows Subsystem for Linux.

stat -c "touch -d @%Y %n" * | sort -k 3 | grep -v "~$" | sort -k3 > timestamps

I have this shell script saved as ~/bin/save-timestamps.  The generated file
has lines which look this:

touch -d @1496078695 fix-fdatasync-after-extent-manipulation-operations
touch -d @1496081597 status
touch -d @1496082752 series

... and when you execute the command, it will restore the timestamps
to the value checked into the git repository.  If you want to only
restore the timestamp of a single file, you can do something like this:

grep timestamps ^fix-fdatasync-after-extent | bash


                                                - Ted

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