Kaartic Sivaraam <kaarticsivaraam91...@gmail.com> writes:

> That said, in case my interpretation that "'prepare-commit-msg' hook is
> not to be shipped due to it's uselessness" is correct, the reply of
> this mail as a whole seems to contradict it.

That is because I wear multiple hats, because I try to help in
different ways, and because open source is not a battle to see whose
idea is more right, but is a cooperative process to find a better
solution together.

As a fellow contributor, I do not think that removing the hint that
is commented out, which is meant to be helpful to users while in
their editor and which will be removed after the editor finishes
anyway, is a useful enough example to keep the now otherwise useless
sample hook.  But as the maintainer, I can see that you are still
making sincere efforts to come up with a useful example and improve
the end-user experience, and more importantly, I haven't heard from
other people what they think---the only thing I have are different
opinions from two people.  That is why I am not deciding and telling
you to go find another area to hack in.

At the same time, I found that your implementation of the idea, i.e.
removal of the commented-out hint, can be improved.  With an
improved implementation of the proposed solution, it may have a
better chance to be supported by others on the list, and equally
importantly, if it turns out that other people do support what this
patch tries to do, i.e. keep the sample hook alive by replacing the
now useless examples with this one, we would have a better
implementation of it.  And that is something I can help with, while
I, the maintainer, is waiting.

Oh, by the way, what the maintainer is waiting for is not just "me
too"s; this is not exactly a "having more people wins" democracy.

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