Evil Guy creates 2 files, 1 evil and 1 innocuous, with the same SHA-1 checksum (including Git header). Mr. Evil creates a local branch with an innocuous name like “test-bugfix”, and adds a commit containing a reference to the evil file. Separately, using a sockpuppet, Evil Guy creates an innocuous bugfix (very likely to be accepted) containing the innocuous file, and submits it to Good Guy. Before Good Guy can commit the bugfix, Evil Guy pushes the evil branch to Github, and then immediately deletes it; or equivalently --force pushes any innocuous commit on top of it. (This is unlikely to arouse suspicion, and he can always say he deleted it because it didn’t work.)

Git keeps unreferenced objects around for a few weeks, so when Good Guy commits the patch and pushes to Github, an object with an sha1sum that matches the good file will already exist in the main repository. Since Git keeps the local copy of files when sha1sums match, the main Github repository will then contain the evil file associated with Good Guy’s commit. Any users cloning from Github will get the evil version. This is an exploit.

And Good Guy’s local repository will contain the good file; he will not notice anything amiss unless he nukes his local repository and clones from Github again. Even when the compromise is discovered, there will be no reason to suspect Evil Guy; the evil file seems to have been committed by Good Guy.

Previous discussion about hash collisions in Git seems to conclude that they aren’t a security threat. See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9392365/how-would-git-handle-a-sha-1-collision-on-a-blob/9392525#9392525, Linus Torvalds arguing that Git’s security doesn’t depend on SHA-1 collision resistance.

This proposed exploit does not involve social engineering, or any good guys failing to spot or accepting patches containing evil data (what Good Guy accepts is a genuine bugfix). It contaminates the main public repository in a way that Good Guy won’t immediately notice. It does not require a second-preimage attack; Bad Guy creates both versions of the file. While this does require the bad guy to have commit access, the bad guy can avoid suspicion after the attack.

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