On Tue, Aug 15, 2017 at 07:46:11PM +0200, Nicolas Morey-Chaisemartin wrote:

> Patch#3 will probably need some updates as I expected Jeff old curl drop 
> patches to make it in.
> As it seems to be going another way a few more ifdefs will be required

I'm not sure where we're going with the old-curl versions thing, but I
don't think it matters much either way for imap-send. If we drop support
for anything, it will be versions of curl less than 7.19.4. But curl
didn't get imap support until 7.34.0 (or at least that's what our
Makefile checks for), so I think that's effectively the oldest version
you'd be dealing with here.

(Which I think means your 7.21.5 #ifdef in patch 3 could never trigger).


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