hIpPy <hippy2...@gmail.com> writes:

> I think 'git merge --continue' should be advertised more that 'git
> commit' as typically one is familiar with 'git rebase --continue' and
> 'git cherry-pick --continue'. I for a long time did not know I could
> also use 'git commit' to continue a merge but that's just me.

Perhaps.  "rebase" and "am" (and range pick "cherry-pick A..B") are
operations that works on more than one change, so it makes perfect
sense to have a way to say "I am done with this step. Please go on
and do the rest".

There is no "go on and do the rest" after resolving a conflicted
merge, as "merge" is, unlike the other ones to which "--continue"
legitimately has a reasonable meaning, an operation that does just
one thing.  From that point of view, "git merge --continue" is a
mistaken UI that shouldn't have happened.

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