On Thu, Sep 14, 2017 at 07:47:51PM +0530, Kaartic Sivaraam wrote:

> > > - const char *explanation = _("Do not touch the line above.\nEverything 
> > > below will be removed.");
> > > + const char *explanation = _("Do not modify or remove the line 
> > > above.\nEverything below will be removed.");
> > I don't want to complicate things. But now - due to the repeated usage
> > of "remove" - these two sentences seem to be connected by an invisible
> > "or else" ("will" vs. "would" not withstanding). i.e. "or else
> > everything below will be removed, too", which is wrong. Before, they
> > were separated more clearly.
> At least I don't think they are connected by an invisible "or else" because
> they appear on different lines,

You could switch out the second "removed" for "ignored", which I think
has the same meaning but avoids repeating the same word. So:

  # ------------------------ >8 ------------------------
  # Do not modify or remove the line above.
  # Everything below will be ignored.

(I might say "everything below it" to be more precise).

I dunno. We are deep in bikeshed territory here, and I admit I don't
overly care that much in the first place.


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