On Tue, Oct 03, 2017 at 05:56:53PM +0900, Junio C Hamano wrote:

> Jeff King <p...@peff.net> writes:
> > Note that I'm arguing that it's a foot-gun even without scripts in the
> > picture at all. Forget about plumbing versus porcelain. If you set
> > color.ui to "always", you're going to get unexpected and confusing
> > results from time to time.
> Really? 
> I would think you would consistently get ANSI colored output in any
> medium, even in files that you would later "cat" or "less -R" to
> view.  Is that unexpected?  Those who set "always" (I am not among
> them, of course) would expect that, I would think.

Those cases might be expected. But color when piping to grep or sed are
not. I guess you can lump those under "well, they should be using
plumbing, of course" but I don't think that's very realistic. People do
ad-hoc pipes in their shells all the time (well, I assume so; I
certainly do).

I don't argue that people don't have a need to write colors to a
non-terminal. Certainly they do. I argue that setting it in your on-disk
config is likely to have it trigger at other times when it's unexpected
and inconvenient.

I dunno. Maybe I am wrong, because certainly I never set it. We've had
two reports on the list since v2.14.2. The motivation for the first was
"I have no idea why I set that, and I'll switch to auto". This is the


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