Jeff King <> writes:

> Alternatively, I suppose we could just always escape in
> add--interactive. I'm trying to think of a case where somebody would
> really want their diffFilter to see the raw bytes (or vice versa, to
> show raw bytes produced by their filter), but I'm having trouble coming
> up with one.

Your patch below only implements the "tame the raw bytes that come
out of their filter", which is quite agreeable.

> I.e., something like this would probably help your case without hurting
> anybody:
> ...
> I can't help but feel this is the tip of a larger iceberg, though. E.g.,
> what about characters outside of the terminal's correct encoding? Or
> broken UTF-8 characters?

Hmph.  If you use it as a "built-in" that is a fallback for
diffFilter, i.e. use it only when the end user does not have one,
then users can override whatever wrong thing the built-in logic does
so... ;-)

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