On 10/05/2017 05:04 AM, Joshua Lamusga wrote:
Anyway, I follow a very simple merging model for this one-person project. Recently, I made a new local branch off of develop called feature-printing. After checking out feature-printing, making my changes, and committing changes, I merged it with develop. I then immediately tried to delete feature-printing, which resulted in a prompt asking if I was sure since it might contain uncommitted changes. Though I've seen this problem many times on the internet, I haven't seen it in the context of literally just merging. There are 0 steps between merging and deleting the old branch.
What's the exact warning? It seems unlikely that your Git interface would complain about *uncommitted* changes in this context.
All of this is done in Visual Studio's GUI for Git. Any ideas?
Maybe ask on a Visual Studio forum instead, in case this is something generated by the front end?