On Fri, Oct 27, 2017 at 09:55:58AM -0400, Adrian Kappel wrote:
> Hello all, not sure if the issue I've come across is a known bug or
> addressable, but wanted to report it just in-case.

Thanks for the detailed description - my question is inline

> ** Summary
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Using the [includeIf] configuration statement with a symlink'd gitdir
> will not work if the symlink is on a case insensitive volume and the
> location it references is on a case sensitive volume.
> ** Steps to reproduce
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> 1. Create symlink (case insensitive -> case sensitive):
> /Users/usera/dev -> /Volumes/CaseSensitive/dev
> 2. Create two files: .gitignore and .gitignore-work, both stored in
> /Users/usera/
> .gitconfig
> -------------
> [user]
>   name = First Last
>   [includeIf "gitdir:~/dev/work"]
>     path = .gitconfig-work
> .gitconfig-work
> --------------------
> [user]
>   email = em...@address.com
> 3. cd into a subfolder of ~/dev/work that has been git initialized.
> Let's say ~/dev/work/repo
> 4. Run git config --includes user.email
> 5. See that nothing is output from the command
> 6. Update the [includeIf] statement in .gitconfig to be the real
> location i.e. "gitdir:/Volumes/CaseSensitive/dev/work/repo"

Didn't you set it up pointing do the real location ?
That is what is written above:
> 1. Create symlink (case insensitive -> case sensitive):
> /Users/usera/dev -> /Volumes/CaseSensitive/dev

(I suspect that people use something like this:
 /Users/usera/dev -> /Volumes/casesensitive/dev
 And in this case it would be the file system which says
 casesensitive != CaseSensitive and Git can't do much about it)

> 7. Rerun the command from [4]
> 8. See that em...@address.com is output from the command
> ** Other variations that were not tested
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> - symlink on case sensitive volume referencing a location on a case
> insensitive volume
> ** Environment Information
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> git --version: 2.14.1
> OS: macOS Sierra 10.12.6
> If a fix is not feasible or likely to be implemented, I would
> recommend that we update the git site's documentation to reflect this
> gotcha. After verification of course.
> Best,
> Adrian Kappel
> akappel <https://github.com/akappel/>

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