Rafael Ascensão <rafa.al...@gmail.com> writes:

>>> The pattern follows similar rules as `--glob` except it doesn't assume a
>>> trailing '/*' if glob characters are missing.
>> Why should this be a special case that burdens users to remember one
>> more rule?  Wouldn't users find "--decorate-refs=refs/tags" useful
>> and it woulld be shorter and nicer than having to say "refs/tags/*"?
> I wanted to allow exact patterns like:
> "--decorate-refs=refs/heads/master" and for that I disabled the flag
> that adds the trailing '/*' if no globs are found. As a side effect, I
> lost the shortcut.
> Is adding a yet another flag that appends '/*' only if the pattern
> equals "refs/{heads,remotes,tags}" a good idea?


> Because changing the default behavior of that function has
> implications on multiple commands which I think shouldn't change. But
> at the same time, would be nice to have the logic that deals with
> glob-ref patterns all in one place.
> What's the sane way to do this?

Learn to type "--decorate-refs="refs/heads/[m]aster", and not twewak
the code at all, perhaps.  The users of existing "with no globbing,
/* is appended" interface are already used to that way and they do
not have to learn a new and inconsistent interface.

After all, "I only want to see 'git log' output with 'master'
decorated" (i.e. not specifying "this class of refs I can glob by
using the naming convention I am using" and instead enumerating the
ones you care about) does not sound like a sensible thing people
often want to do, so making it follow the other codepath so that
people can say "refs/tags" to get "refs/tags/*", while still allowing
such a rare but specific and exact one possible, may not sound too
bad to me.

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