Max Rothman <> writes:

> How about this:
> The bash completion script knows some options to "git log" and
> "git show" only in the positive form, (e.g. "--abbrev-commit"), but not
> in their negative form (e.g. "--no-abbrev-commit"). Adds them.

s/Adds them/Add them/; we speak as if we are giving an order to 
the codebase to "become like so" (or to the patch monkey to "make
the code so").

> Also, the bash completion script is missing some other options to
> "git diff", and "git show" (and thus, all other commands that take
> "git diff"'s options). Adds them. Of note, since "--indent-heuristic" is
> no longer experimental, adds that too.

Likewise for the two "adds".

>>> ---
>> Missed sign-off?
> Whoops, there doesn't seem to be a way to add that separately from the
> commit message in the submitGit interface. I'll try adding it, but
> gmail might turn all the tabs into spaces, so if it does, I'll try to
> figure out how to resubmit.

I would imagine that the cleanest way is to "commit --amend" and
have submitGit see that updated/corrected copy.


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