On 14/12/2017 23:27, Igor Djordjevic wrote:
> As you basically have a flow where two users (you and cron job) can 
> edit same files at the same time, desired outcome might be a bit 
> ambiguous, especially when scheduled execution of those files is 
> added to the mix.

This said, and without having you to change your habits too much (nor 
use Git in possibly awkward ways), I`m thinking you may actually 
benefit of using `git worktree add <temp_copy_path>`[1] to create a 
temporary working tree ("working copy", as you say), alongside a 
temporary branch, where you could hack and test as much as you want, 
unaffected by cron job updating and executing the original working 
copy/branch (also not stepping on cron job`s toes yourself).

Once you`re satisfied and you commit/merge/push your changes from 
within the temporary working copy/branch, you can just delete it 
(both temporary working copy and its branch), and you`re good :)

p.s. Even if you`re not familiar with Git branching and merging, it 
shouldn`t take too much effort to wrap your head around it, and it`s 
definitely worth it - and actually pretty easy, even more if you`re 
working alone.

[1] https://git-scm.com/docs/git-worktree

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