On Wed, Dec 27, 2017 at 8:15 PM, Lars Schneider
<larsxschnei...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 27 Dec 2017, at 17:49, SZEDER Gábor <szeder....@gmail.com> wrote:
>> +# Skip the build job if the same tree has already been built and tested
>> +# successfully before (e.g. because the branch got rebased, changing only
>> +# the commit messages).
>> +skip_good_tree () {
>> +     if ! good_tree_info="$(grep "^$(git rev-parse $TRAVIS_COMMIT^{tree}) " 
>> "$good_trees_file")"
>> +     then
>> +             # haven't seen this tree yet; continue the build job
>> +             return
>> +     fi
>> +
>> +     echo "$good_tree_info" | {
>> +             read tree prev_good_commit prev_good_job_number 
>> prev_good_job_id
>> +
>> +             if test "$TRAVIS_JOB_ID" =  "$prev_good_job_id"
> Under what circumstances would that be true?

When the user hits 'Restart job' on the Travis CI web interface,
$TRAVI_JOB_NUMBER and _ID remain the same in the restarted build job as
they were in the original.
So the condition is true when the user hits 'Restart job' on a build job
that was the first to successfully build and test the current tree.

> Nit: One unintended space after = ?!


>> +             then
>> +                     cat <<-EOF
>> +                     Skipping build job for commit $TRAVIS_COMMIT.
>> +                     This commit has already been built and tested 
>> successfully by this build job.
>> +                     To force a re-build delete the branch's cache and then 
>> hit 'Restart job'.
>> +                     EOF
>> +             else
>> +                     cat <<-EOF
>> +                     Skipping build job for commit $TRAVIS_COMMIT.
>> +                     This commit's tree has already been built and tested 
>> successfully in build job $prev_good_job_number for commit $prev_good_commit.
>> +                     The log of that build job is available at 
>> https://travis-ci.org/$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG/jobs/$prev_good_job_id
>> +                     To force a re-build delete the branch's cache and then 
>> hit 'Restart job'.
>> +                     EOF
> Maybe add a few newlines before and after EOF to make the text more stand out?
> Or print it in a different color? Maybe red?
> See: https://travis-ci.org/szeder/git/jobs/322247836#L622-L625

I considered using color for the first line, but then didn't do it,
because I didn't want to decide the color :)
Anyway, red is the general error/failure color, but this is neither.  It
could either be green, to match the color of the build job's result, or
something neutral like blue or yellow.


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