> Keith Smiley wrote:
> > It looks like that was just about preferring remove in documentation
> > and the like, I think it would still make sense to have both for
> > completion since rm is still supported.
> I read it as a first step in a long process to eventually
> remove 'remote rm', but if that's never intended, then sure,
> restoring completion for it seems reasonable.
> It would be good to hear from those who know or recall the
> intention.
> I think we should only complete the preferred subcommand.
> That encourages use of 'remote remove' even if 'remote rm'
> will stay forever to avoid breaking existing scripts.

Quoting from the commit message of e17dba8fe1 ("remote: prefer
subcommand name 'remove' to 'rm'", 2012-09-06):

  'rm' is still supported and used in the test suite. It's just not
  widely advertised.

I think adding 'rm' to completion definitely counts as advertisement.
It doesn't have much practical use, after all: typing 'rm' with
completion is actually one more keystroke than without (r<TAB>m vs. rm).


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