I’m still a bit perplexed by some behaviour seen today, and am looking for a 
clean way to deal with it that the documentation does not make clear. So, I’m 
asking in a different way. Suppose a graph of

\      \               /

When trying to perform a format-patch from B to E, I was seeing commits 
B-A-F-G-E rather than what I wanted B-C-D-E.  F and G were younger commits than 
C and D, which I assume (very likely wrongly) is why diff was giving 
preferential treatment to that path.

What I am trying to figure out is whether there is a clean way to force 
format-patch along the B-C-D-E path. If not, would it be worth starting up a 
small project to make this possible (not knowing exactly where to start), but I 
would envision something like: git format-patch –via=C B..E

I may be just missing something obvious (new to format-patch operations 

P.S. Bad ideas happen when tests run for a long time 😉

-- Brief whoami:
  NonStop developer since approximately NonStop(211288444200000000)
  UNIX developer since approximately 421664400
-- In my real life, I talk too much.

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