I wrote:
> The 'git svn' tests are not run in Travis because the perl
> subversion bindings are not installed.  I haven't made time
> to try installing them and running the tests in Travis to
> see if the failures occur there, but I suspect they would.

Before anyone spends time wondering about this, I was
apparently looking at the MacOS build logs rather than the
Linux logs.  The git svn tests are indeed run in Travis, as
long as you look at the right build logs. :/

Sadly (or amusingly), I think I looked at this before and
made the same mistake, realized it, and then did it again
today.  Hopefully if I make the same mistake again I'll
realize it before I post it to the list. ;)

Anyway, the Travis Linux container uses Ubuntu Trusty, which
has subversion 1.8.8.  I suppose that's why these random
failures haven't turned up there.

I got stopped by a cop the other day.  He said, "Why'd you run that
stop sign?"  I said, "Because I don't believe everything I read."
    -- Stephen Wright

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