Оля Тележная  <olyatelezhn...@gmail.com> writes:

>> one place improves readability.  If better readability is the
>> purpose, I would even say
>>          for (i = 0; i < used_atom_cnt; i++) {
>>                 if (...)
>> -                       goto need_obj;
>> +                       break;
>>         }
>> -       return;
>> +       if (used_atom_cnt <= i)
>>                 return;
>> -need_obj:
>> would make the result easier to follow with a much less impact.
> It's hard for me to read the code with goto, and as I know, it's not
> only my problem,...

That sounds as if you are complaining "I wanted to get rid of goto
and you tell me not to do so???", but read what I showed above again
and notice that it is also getting rid of "goto".

The main difference from your version is that the original function
is still kept as a single unit of work, instead of two.

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