Junio C Hamano <gits...@pobox.com> writes:

>     - map(lambda ..., collection) is not liked; use list comprehension.
> ...
> I am not sure about the change from map(lambda ...) to list
> comprehension, though.  Not that I have a preference for or against
> (I am not a Python person), but I do not know if this is a change
> necessary to run with Python 3 or if it is merely more preferred to
> use list comprehension.
> ...
>> -    prnts = map(lambda x: x[:x.find(':')], prnts)
>> +    prnts = [x[:x.find(':')] for x in prnts]

Well, I should have dug this myself a bit more [*1*] before hitting
[SEND].  This change is required because map() no longer returns a
list.  So the bullet item in the proposed commit log message in my
earlier message should be updated to say that instead--it was unclear
to me so I phrased as if it was a mere preference, but it actually
is a required change.


*1* Well, it would have been ideal if the original patch had enough
    information from the beginning to make this kind of "digging"
    unnecessary ;-)

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