On Wed, Feb 21 2018, Basin Ilya jotted:

> Hi.
> I want to the test-repo-git under 
> https://github.com/apache/maven-wagon/tree/master/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/test/resources/
> just like test-repo-cvs and test-repo-svn
> Which configuation options would suit that?
> I think core.compression 0 for human readable diffs.
> also, I need to force loose, gc after each push.

It looks like you have unit tests that are going to do integration tests
of some SVN/CVS repos as used by some other tool, and want to add git to

Since you have git already, the most straightforward thing to do would
be to ship the output of git-fast-export in the repo, and have the test
setup code create a repo locally out of that, then test it.

Or do you really need to commit the raw repo files as-is for some reason
I've missed?

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