On 08/03/18 13:17, SZEDER Gábor wrote:
Just to let you know, I get the following error compiling Git in master

$ make prefix=/usr NO_GETTEXT=YesPlease all doc info
      GEN git-remote-testgit
      GEN perl/build/man/man3/Git.3pm
Can't write-open perl/build/man/man3/Git.3pm: Permission denied at
/usr/bin/pod2man line 70.
Makefile:2317: fallo en las instrucciones para el objetivo
make: *** [perl/build/man/man3/Git.3pm] Error 13

This didn't happen in v2.16.2. Doing a git-bisect I've got the following

$ git bisect start HEAD v2.16.2 --
2530afd3519a34b66e72cc29e7751d650cedc6dd is the first bad commit
That's not the culprit, that's the fix :)

make clean fails too:

rm -f -r perl/build/
rm: no se puede borrar 'perl/build/man/man3/Git.3pm': Permiso denegado
Makefile:2734: fallo en las instrucciones para el objetivo 'clean'
make: *** [clean] Error 1
Have a look at the permissions of 'perl/build' and its contents, they
are likely owned by root for reasons described in 2530afd's log

Right you are:

$ ll perl/build/
total 8
drwxr-xr-x 3 ggonzalez ggonzalez 4096 mar  8 12:52 lib
drwxr-xr-x 3 root      root      4096 feb 14 13:56 man

The procedure would be just removing perl/build/ manually?



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