On Tue, Mar 20, 2018 at 1:50 PM, Paul-Sebastian Ungureanu
<ungureanupaulsebast...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Usually, the usage should be shown only if the user does not know what
> options are available. If the user specifies an invalid value, the user
> is already aware of the available options. In this case, there is no
> point in displaying the usage anymore.
> This patch applies to "git tag --contains", "git branch --contains",
> "git branch --points-at", "git for-each-ref --contains" and many more.
> Signed-off-by: Paul-Sebastian Ungureanu <ungureanupaulsebast...@gmail.com>
> ---

As this is a very active mailing list, with reviewers poring over many
(sometimes dozens of) patches each day, it is easy for a reviewer to
forget exact details of each individual submission and review comment.
As a patch contributor, you can help ease reviewers' burden by adding
commentary to your submission here, below the "---" line following
your sign-off. In particular, reviewers find it very helpful when you:

* describe in some detail what changed since the previous version of
the patch, showing that you understood and took into consideration
each of the review comments from the previous iteration

* a link, like this[1], pointing at the previous round (and perhaps
further back) so reviewers can refresh their memories about issues
raised previously; this also helps people wanting to review this round
who were not involved in earlier rounds


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