Christian Couder <> writes:

> This small patch series makes it easy to spot big performance
> regressions, so that they can later be investigated.
> For example:
> $ ./aggregate.perl --sortbyregression --subsection "without libpcre" v2.14.3 
> v2.15.1 v2.16.2 

Are we comfortable with the idea that other kinds of sorting, when
invented in the future, would have to say

    $ ./aggregate.perl --sortbysomethingelse --subsection "without libpcre" \
        A B C

or will we regret that and wish if we could write it as

    $ ./aggregate.perl --sort-by=somethingelse --subsection "without libpcre" \
        A B C

If the latter, perhaps we should use --soft-by=regression from day one.

Do we expect that "taking a lot more more rtime than the previous"
will stay to be the only kind of "regression" we care about in the
context of t/perf?  If so, there is no need for further suggestion,
but if not, perhaps we should plan if/how we could also parameterize
the "rtime" part from the command line.  E.g.

    $ ./aggregate.perl --sort-by=regression:stime

might be a way to say "we only care about the stime part" in the
future, even though --sort-by=regression may be a short-hand to say
"we care about rtime regression" i.e. "--sort-by=regression:rtime".

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