One of the tools that manages PKGBUILDS for Arch Linux stores PKGBUILD
git repos inside a cache directory for reuse.

One of the repos is triggering some unexpected behaviour that can be
reproduced in the CLI with:

  $ GIT_DIR=spotify/.git GIT_WORK_TREE=spotify git reset HEAD
  fatal: couldn't read spotify/.git/packed-refs: Not a directory

Moving up one directory works as expected.
  $ cd ..
  $ GIT_DIR=sync/spotify/.git GIT_WORK_TREE=sync/spotify git reset HEAD

Using -C seems to work fine too.
  $ git -C spotify reset HEAD

$ GIT_TRACE_SETUP=2 GIT_TRACE=2 GIT_DIR="spotify/.git"
GIT_WORK_TREE="spotify" git reset HEAD
22:10:53.020525 trace.c:315             setup: git_dir: spotify/.git
22:10:53.020605 trace.c:316             setup: git_common_dir: spotify/.git
22:10:53.020616 trace.c:317             setup: worktree:
22:10:53.020625 trace.c:318             setup: cwd:
22:10:53.020635 trace.c:319             setup: prefix: (null)
22:10:53.020644 git.c:344               trace: built-in: git 'reset' 'HEAD'
fatal: couldn't read spotify/.git/packed-refs: Not a directory

The issue seems to bisect to f57f37e2e1bf11ab4cdfd221ad47e961ba9353a0
I can't pinpoint why this particular repo is behaving differently.

Rafael Ascensão

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