On Sat, Mar 24, 2018 at 07:33:53AM +0100, Nguyễn Thái Ngọc Duy wrote:

> Previous patches leave lots of holes and padding in this struct. This
> patch reorders the members and shrinks the struct down to 80 bytes
> (from 136 bytes, before any field shrinking is done) with 16 bits to
> spare (and a couple more in in_pack_header_size when we really run out
> of bits).

Out of curiosity, did you count this yourself, or did you double-check
with a few compilers to make sure they all produce the same result?

So having read the whole thing now, I think most of my original concerns
have been addressed. I do think readability takes a hit, but it's not
_too_ bad. There are a few things that have become more brittle, but I
can't think of anything on the horizon that would bite us.


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