Hi Peff,

On Tue, 3 Apr 2018, Jeff King wrote:

> On Tue, Apr 03, 2018 at 01:43:10PM +0200, Johannes Schindelin wrote:
> > > I don't have time or interest to work on this now, but thought it was
> > > interesting to share. This assumes that something in shellscript like:
> > > 
> > >     while echo foo; do echo bar; done
> > > 
> > > Is no slower on Windows than *nix, since it's purely using built-ins, as
> > > opposed to something that would shell out.
> > 
> > It is still interpreting stuff. And it still goes through the POSIX
> > emulation layer.
> > 
> > I did see reports on the Git for Windows bug tracker that gave me the
> > impression that such loops in Unix shell scripts may not, in fact, be as
> > performant in MSYS2's Bash as you would like to believe:
> > 
> > https://github.com/git-for-windows/git/issues/1533#issuecomment-372025449
> The main problem with `read` loops in shell is that the shell makes one
> read() syscall per character. It has to, because doing otherwise is
> user-visible in cases where the descriptor may get passed to a different
> process.

Thank you for the explanation. Makes tons of sense now.

> There's unfortunately no portable way to say "please just read this
> quickly, I promise nobody else is going to read the descriptor". And nor
> do I know of any shell which is smart enough to know that it's going to
> consume to EOF anyway (as you would for something like "cmd | while
> read").
> If you know you have bash, you can use "-N" to get a more efficient
> read:
>   $ echo foo | strace -e read bash -c 'read foo'
>   [...]
>   read(0, "f", 1)                         = 1
>   read(0, "o", 1)                         = 1
>   read(0, "o", 1)                         = 1
>   read(0, "\n", 1)                        = 1
>   $ echo foo | strace -e read bash -c 'read -N 10 foo'
>   [...]
>   read(0, "foo\n", 10)                    = 4
>   read(0, "", 6)                          = 0
> but then you have another problem: how to split the resulting buffer
> into lines in shell. ;)


> But if we're at the point of creating custom C builtins for
> busybox/dash/etc, you should be able to create a primitive for "read
> this using buffered stdio, other processes be damned, and return one
> line at a time".

Well, you know, I do not think that papering over the root cause will make
anything better. And the root cause is that we use a test framework
written in Unix shell.

I will have to set aside some time to dig into the bottlenecks there and
figure out what parts I can safely convert into "test builtins", i.e. into
the test-tool Duy introduced, to avoid having shell scripts do the


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