Any thoughts on this idea?  Is it flawed?  I am trying to 
write it up in a more formal generalized manner and was 
hoping to get at least one "it seems sane" before I do.



On Monday, December 31, 2012 03:30:53 am Martin Fick wrote:
> On Thursday, December 27, 2012 04:11:51 pm Martin Fick 
> > It concerns me that git uses any locking at all, even
> > for refs since it has the potential to leave around
> > stale locks.
> > ...
> > [a previous not so great attempt to fix this]
> > ...
> I may have finally figured out a working loose ref update
> mechanism which I think can avoid stale locks. 
> Unfortunately it requires atomic directory renames and
> universally unique identifiers (uuids).  These may be
> no-go criteria?  But I figure it is worth at least
> exploring this idea because of the potential benefits?
> The general approach is to setup a transaction and either
> commit or abort it.  A transaction can be setup by
> renaming an appropriately setup directory to the
> "ref.lock" name.  If the rename succeeds, the transaction
> is begun.  Any actor can abort the transaction (up until
> it is committed) by simply deleting the "ref.lock"
> directory, so it is not at risk of going stale.  However,
> once the actor who sets up the transaction commits it,
> deleting the "ref.lock" directory simply aids in cleaning
> it up for the next transaction (instead of aborting it).
> One important piece of the transaction is the use of
> uuids. The uuids provide a mechanism to tie the atomic
> commit pieces to the transactions and thus to prevent
> long sleeping process from inadvertently performing
> actions which could be out of date when they wake finally
> up.  In each case, the atomic commit piece is the
> renaming of a file.   For the create and update pieces, a
> file is renamed from the "ref.lock" dir to the "ref" file
> resulting in an update to the sha for the ref. However,
> in the delete case, the "ref" file is instead renamed to
> end up in the "ref.lock" directory resulting in a delete
> of the ref.  This scheme does not affect the way refs are
> read today,
> To prepare for a transaction, an actor first generates a
> uuid (an exercise I will delay for now).  Next, a tmp
> directory named after the uuid is generated in the parent
> directory for the ref to be updated, perhaps something
> like:  ".lock_uuid". In this directory is places either a
> file or a directory named after the uuid, something like:
> ".lock_uuid/,uuid".  In the case of a create or an
> update, the new sha is written to this file.  In the case
> of a delete, it is a directory.
> Once the tmp directory is setup, the initiating actor
> attempts to start the transaction by renaming the tmp
> directory to "ref.lock".  If the rename fails, the update
> fails. If the rename succeeds, the actor can then attempt
> to commit the transaction (before another actor aborts
> it).
> In the case of a create, the actor verifies that "ref"
> does not currently exist, and then renames the now named
> "ref.lock/uuid" file to "ref". On success, the ref was
> created.
> In the case of an update, the actor verifies that "ref"
> currently contains the old sha, and then also renames the
> now named "ref.lock/uuid" file to "ref". On success, the
> ref was updated.
> In the case of a delete, the actor may verify that "ref"
> currently contains the sha to "prune" if it needs to, and
> then renames the "ref" file to "ref.lock/uuid/delete". On
> success, the ref was deleted.
> Whether successful or not, the actor may now simply delete
> the "ref.lock" directory, clearing the way for a new
> transaction.  Any other actor may delete this directory at
> any time also, likely either on conflict (if they are
> attempting to initiate a transaction), or after a grace
> period just to cleanup the FS.  Any actor may also safely
> cleanup the tmp directories, preferably also after a grace
> period.
> One neat part about this scheme is that I believe it would
> be backwards compatible with the current locking
> mechanism since the transaction directory will simply
> appear to be a lock to older clients.  And the old lock
> file should continue to lock out these newer
> transactions.
> Due to this backwards compatibility, I believe that this
> could be incrementally employed today without affecting
> very much.  It could be deployed in place of any updates
> which only hold ref.locks to update the loose ref.  So
> for example I think it could replace step 4a below from
> Michael Haggerty's description of today's loose ref
> pruning during
> ref packing:
> > * Pack references:
> ...
> > 4. prune_refs(): for each ref in the ref_to_prune list,
> > 
> > call  prune_ref():
> >     a. Lock the reference using lock_ref_sha1(),
> >     verifying that the recorded SHA1 is still valid.  If
> >     it is, unlink the loose reference file then free
> >     the lock; otherwise leave the loose reference file
> >     untouched.
> I think it would also therefore be able to replace the
> loose ref locking in Michael's new ref-packing scheme as
> well as the locking in Michael's new ref deletion scheme
> (again steps
> 4):
> > * Delete reference foo:
> ...
> >   4. Delete loose ref for "foo":
> >      a. Acquire the lock $GIT_DIR/refs/heads/foo.lock
> >      
> >      b. Unlink $GIT_DIR/refs/heads/foo if it is
> >      unchanged.
> >  
> >  If it is changed, leave it untouched.  If it is
> >  deleted,
> > 
> > that is OK too.
> > 
> >      c. Release lock $GIT_DIR/refs/heads/foo.lock
> ...
> > * Pack references:
> ...
> >   4. prune_refs(): for each ref in the ref_to_prune
> >   list,
> > 
> > call prune_ref():
> >      a. Lock the loose reference using lock_ref_sha1(),
> > 
> > verifying that the recorded SHA1 is still valid
> > 
> >      b. If it is, unlink the loose reference file
> > 
> > (otherwise, leave it untouched)
> > 
> >      c. Release the lock on the loose reference
> To be honest, I suspect I missed something obvious because
> this seems almost too simple to work.  I am ashamed that
> it took me so long to come up with (of course, I will be
> even more ashamed :( when it is shown to be flawed!) 
> This scheme also feels extensible. if there are no
> obvious flaws in it, I will try to post solutions for ref
> packing and for multiple repository/ref transactions also
> soon.
> I welcome any comments/criticisms,
> -Martin
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