Hi Kim,

On Sun, 15 Apr 2018, Kim Gybels wrote:

> On (13/04/18 15:03), Johannes Schindelin wrote:
> > I wonder whether you found a reliable way to trigger this? It would be
> > nice to have a regression test for this.
> On my system, it reproduced reliably using Oleg's example [1], below is
> my bash version of it.


> Script to generate repository with some history:
>   $ cat example.sh
>   #!/bin/bash
>   git init example
>   cd example
>   git --help > foo.txt
>   for i in $(seq 1 12); do
>       cat foo.txt foo.txt > bar.txt
>       mv bar.txt foo.txt
>       git add foo.txt
>       git commit -m v$i
>   done

Okay, so this sets up a minimal repository with a moderate size, inflating
foo.txt from the initial Git help text by factor 2**12 = 4096. The help
text is around 2kB, so we end up with an ~8MB large file in the end that
grew exponentially.

>   $ ./example.sh
>   Initialized empty Git repository in C:/git/bug/example/.git/
>   [master (root-commit) 2e44b4a] v1
>    1 file changed, 84 insertions(+)
>    create mode 100644 foo.txt
>   [master 9791332] v2
>    1 file changed, 84 insertions(+)
>   [master 524e672] v3
>    1 file changed, 168 insertions(+)
>   [master afec6ef] v4
>    1 file changed, 336 insertions(+)
>   [master 1bcd9cc] v5
>    1 file changed, 672 insertions(+)
>   [master 2f38a8e] v6
>    1 file changed, 1344 insertions(+)
>   [master 33382fe] v7
>    1 file changed, 2688 insertions(+)
>   [master 6c2cbd6] v8
>    1 file changed, 5376 insertions(+)
>   [master 8d0770f] v9
>    1 file changed, 10752 insertions(+)
>   [master 517d650] v10
>    1 file changed, 21504 insertions(+)
>   [master 9e12406] v11
>    1 file changed, 43008 insertions(+)
>   [master 4c4f600] v12
>    1 file changed, 86016 insertions(+)
> Server side:
>   $ git daemon --verbose --reuseaddr --base-path=$(pwd) --export-all
>   [4760] Ready to rumble
>   [696] Connection from
>   [696] unable to set SO_KEEPALIVE on socket: No such file or directory
>   [696] Extended attribute "host":
>   [696] Request upload-pack for '/example'

I guess apart from the generated repo size (which would make this an
expensive test in and of itself), the fact that we have to run the daemon
(and that lib-git-daemon.sh requires the PIPE prerequisite which we
disabled on Windows) makes it hard to turn this into a regular regression
test in t/.

Although we *could* of course introduce a test that does not use
lib-git-daemon.sh and is hidden behind the EXPENSIVE prerequisite or some

BTW I just tested this, and it indeed fixes the problem, so I am eager to
ship it to the Git for Windows users. Let's see whether we can convince
Junio that your quite small and easy-to-review patches are not too much of
a maintenance burden, and the fact that they fix a long-standing bug
should help.

BTW I had to apply this to build with DEVELOPER=1:

diff --git a/daemon.c b/daemon.c
index 97fadd62d10..1cc901e9739 100644
--- a/daemon.c
+++ b/daemon.c
@@ -1162,13 +1162,13 @@ static int service_loop(struct socketlist
        signal(SIGCHLD, child_handler);
        for (;;) {
-               int i;
+               int i, ret;
 #ifdef NO_POLL
                poll_timeout = live_children ? 100 : -1;
-               int ret = poll(pfd, socklist->nr, poll_timeout);
+               ret = poll(pfd, socklist->nr, poll_timeout);
                if  (ret == 0) {
                } else if (ret < 0) {

Would you mind squashing that in?


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