On Fri, Apr 27, 2018 at 5:29 PM, Tang (US), Pik S <pik.s.t...@boeing.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I discovered that I was able to delete the feature branch I was in, due to 
> some fat fingering on my part and case insensitivity.  I never realized this 
> could be done before.  A quick google search did not give me a whole lot to 
> work with...
> Steps to reproduce:
> 1. Create a feature branch, "editCss"
> 2. git checkout master
> 3. git checkout editCSS
> 4. git checkout editCss
> 5. git branch -d editCSS

Are you running on a case-insensitive file system? What version of
git? I thought I recalled seeing commits to help avoid creating
branches of the same name with separate case when we know we're on a
file system which is case-insensitive..

> Normally, it should have been impossible for a user to delete the branch 
> they're on.  And the deletion left me in a weird state that took a while to 
> dig out of.
> I know this was a user error, but I was also wondering if this was a bug.

If we have not yet done this, I think we should. Long term this would
be fixed by using a separate format to store refs than the filesystem,
which has a few projects being worked on but none have been put into a


> Thanks,
> Pik Tang

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