On Thursday 26 April 2018 01:01 AM, Johannes Sixt wrote:
> Right. But I have LESS=RS because I do *not* want it to remain on screen
> by default.

In that case how about updating the commit message to be more clear
about it. How about,

        It is possible to configure 'less', the pager, to use an
        alternate screen to show the content. When it is closed in this
        case, it switches back to the original screen, and all content
        is gone.



“The most valuable person on any team is the person who makes everyone
else on the team more valuable, not the person who knows the most.”

      - Joel Spolsky


As I'm not a native English speaker myself, there might be mistaeks in
my usage of English. I apologise for any mistakes that I make.

It would be "helpful" if you take the time to point out the mistakes.

It would be "super helpful" if you could provide suggestions about how
to correct those mistakes.

Thanks in advance!

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