Junio C Hamano <gits...@pobox.com> writes:

> I couldn't quite get what you meant by "(but not the other way
> around)".  Did you mean
>       $ git push --force ../child2 refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*
> should not become non-forcing version because of the (lack of)
> prefix on the refspec does not trump the --force command line
> option?  If so, making
>       $ git push --no-force ../child2 +refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*
> not to force would make things more consistent, I suspect, i.e. we
> can simply declare that presence or absense of '+' prefix in the
> refspec determines the forced-ness of the push/fetch when there is
> no command line option to decide it, but an explicit command line
> option will always override it.  
> Am I missing something obvious?

And of course I am missing the fact that --force and --no-force
controls a single boolean.  If it controled a tristate (unspecified,
false, true), then what I wrote above makes tons of sense, but that
is not the reality.  "git push --no-force" is saying the the same as
"git push", and its primarily reason for being there is to countermand
a "--force" that appears earlier on the command line for whatever
reason, e.g.

        $ alias push='git push --force'
        $ push --no-force ../child2 ...

So what you said in this patch 100%  makes sense.

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